Procambarus clarkii breeding techniques

Krill's raw shrimp is a crustacean, soft armor, decapoda, and prawn, commonly known as lobster. It has the characteristics of complex feeding, strong fertility, wide adaptation range, low requirements on environmental conditions, rapid growth, strong disease resistance, high survival rate, and is naturally distributed in rivers, ditch, ponds, farmland and other waters. Because of its delicious meat and rich nutrition (protein content of 16% - 2%), it is favored by consumers. Shrimp shell is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and other important nutrients, can be processed into feed additives, can also be processed chitin, chitin and chitosan and other industrial raw materials, widely used in agriculture, food, medicine, tobacco, paper , printing and dyeing fields. Crayfish have entered the big market. Therefore, in the last two years, the lobster market has been in short supply and prices have risen steadily. Therefore, the prospects for the development of artificial breeding of lobster are good, the adaptability of lobster is strong, the requirements for water quality and feed quality are not high, and it is easy to raise and has good promotion value. The main points of breeding techniques are as follows:

(1) It is advisable to choose 1-10 mu in Tangkou, with a water depth of 1-1.5 meters. Do a good job of anti-escape facilities and require good water sources and no pollution. One-third of the water surface is planted in the pond and a certain artificial shelter is designed.

(2) Qingchi Peishu 15-20 kg of tea cake per acre or 100-150 kg of quicklime for disinfection. After disinfection in the clear pond, let the sun exposure for several days, turn the sediment and then re-exposure for 10 days, you can inject new water, use plastic nets at the water injection port to prevent wild fish from entering the pool. In the spring pool, shrimps should be fertilized before they are hatched or artificially stocked, and 300-500 kg of rotting manure is applied per acre to cultivate plankton and benthic animals that prefer eating.

(3) The stocking of seedlings is determined according to the situation of stocked shrimp or shrimp seedlings. General stocking shrimp in the 6 to 9 months each year, choose shrimp as broodstock, male to female ratio of 3:1. It is also possible to stock egg-holding shrimps directly, generally 20-25 kg per acre. Stocking shrimp is generally from August to April. From August to October, 1 to 2 cm of seedlings of natural or artificial breeding were used for stocking, and 40,000 to 50,000 were put in acre. In addition, juvenile shrimp (Cobhead shrimp) about 2 cm in size were stocked before April. Lord, put 20,000 to 40,000 mu. Before the stocking shrimps or shrimps are transported, they need to be transitioned and disinfected before stocking, gradually pouring water, and adapting to the water temperature of the ponds. Sprinkle with 3% saline for 10 minutes, then slowly spread the shrimp into the shore water grass and let it into the water.

(4) Intensive thin tube 1 feed When the water temperature is lower than 12 °C, it is not fed. Normal single-caught crayfish ponds are fed twice a day, 8 to 9 o'clock in the morning and 4 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and each grain, cake meal or artificial compound feed is fed once. The daily feeding amount is 3% of the total amount of shrimp in the pond. 5% to grasp, every week per acre lobster like to eat water plants, dry grass 150 kg, put the fermented grass manure 50 kg and fish, snail meat, animal waste and other animal feed 2 to 5 kg. The growth of visible crayfish in fish and shrimp ponds was fed once in the evening. 2 Water quality management Before and after the juvenile stocking, or in March, the water temperature rises. After the juveniles exit the cave, the water depth of the pond is controlled at 40-60 cm, and 100-200 kg of grass manure is applied per acre to cultivate plankton and other basic baits. In the middle and late period of feeding, gradually deepen the water level, depending on the appropriate color fertilizer, keep the water transparency in 35 to 40 cm. During the summer heat, flush water regularly to keep the water “fat, live, and cool”. The conditional need to be equipped with aerator, timely start to prevent the lack of oxygen pool water.

(5) Doing a good job of disease prevention and control in time Crayfish have strong vitality and disease resistance, and are generally less affected. However, in the case of artificial breeding, especially in the case of main breeding, the feeding amount is large and the water quality conditions are poor, and diseases may also occur. Therefore, we must pay attention to disease prevention work, refer to pond fish farming methods, regularly splash lime water, chlorine preparations and other drugs disinfection and disease prevention, conditions can use micro-ecological agents to improve water quality, prevent diseases.

(6) The time of catching crayfish grows faster, generally the juveniles are farmed for 40 to 50 days, and the body weight can reach 30 grams or more. Fishing time should be based on market conditions and shrimp specifications, generally from the middle of May to catch, with cages, shrimp cage or dip net fishing, catching small stay or round robin, can continue until the end of October.

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