ACE C18-PFP Column Introduction IV- Column Inert Comparison

Comparison of common column inertia in the market
  • Leading 3μm, small aperture C18 column brand
  • 50 x 2.1 mm idLC/MS compatible size
  • Basic molecular inertia test
  • Peak efficiency and asymmetry study

Peak efficiency comparison
ACE 3 C18-AR
ACE 3 C18
Sunfire 3.5 C18
HyPurity 3 C18
Zorbax XDB 3.5 C18
Zorbax SB 3.5 C18
Luna 3 C18(2)
XBridge 3.5 C18
Inertsil 3 ODS-3
XTerra MS 3.5 C18
Ascentis Express 2.7 C18
Hypersil BDS 3 C18
Spherisorb 3 ODS2
Symmetry 3.5 C18
Hypersil 3 ODS
ACE 3μ C18-PFP
N 0.1 (pyridine) = 30,300 pl/m
Waters XTerra MS 3.5μ C18
N 0.1 (pyridine) = 18,400 pl/m
Waters Symmetry 3.5μ C18
N 0.1 (pyridine) = 5,600 pl/m
Column size: 50 x 2.1 mm
Samples: 1) uracil 2) pyridine 3) phenol mobile phase: 40:60 (v/v) methanol/water flow rate: 0.20 ml/min
Temperature: 22 ° C
Wavelength: 254 nm
Comparing data does not represent all applications.
Trademark Description: ACE is a trademark of Advanced Chromatography Technologies, Waters, SunFire, XBridge, Spherisorb and Symmetry are trademarks of the Waters Corporation, HyPurity, Hypersil BDS and Hypersil are trademarks of Thermo Scientific, Zorbax Eclipse, Zorbax XDB and Zorbax SB are Agilent Technologies Trademarks, Luna is a trademark of Phenomenex Inc., Inertsil is a trademark of GL Sciences, and Ascentis Express is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co.
Advanced Chromatography Technologies has no affiliation with Waters Corporation, Thermo Scientific, Agilent Technologies, Phenomenex Inc., GL Sciences, or Sigma-Aldrich Co.
Conclusions <br> When analyzing pyridine (a highly basic small molecule), significant differences in column efficiency, peak shape and selectivity can be seen.
The increase in tailing and retention indicates an undesirable secondary interaction between the pyridine and the silanol groups on the surface of the stationary phase.
These interactions can also result in poor column reproducibility.
The ACE C18 column has been independently tested and found to have excellent column efficiency and extreme inertness.
The new ACE C18-PFP maintains this superior performance.
The ACE® stationary phase virtually eliminates the adverse effects of silanol groups on HPLC separations

Further inert test data is included in the ACE HPLC column catalog.
In addition, a C18 column comparison guide is provided that details the material properties of more than 50 HPLC column brands and compares performance to many test probes.
Please contact Philomon for information.

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