In the end, we should not withdraw the straw

In the past, every time the summer shed was in its leisure period, the vegetable farmers removed the straw from the shed or piled it directly on the shed and wrapped it in plastic sheets. In the past two years, especially since this year, there have been fewer and fewer vegetable farmers who have to withdraw the straw curtain. Most of them will roll the straw curtains to the roof, and then wrap them directly with plastic sheets. The outer layer will then be wrapped in non-woven cloth. To prevent the plastic cloth from being sunburned. After wrapping, it will be used until the greenhouse needs to cover the straw curtain.

Regarding the pros and cons of this approach, the peasants have been mixed. Some people think this is very convenient. Others think it is a lazy approach. It is better to remove the straw curtain and save it. Then, is the straw curtain better or better placed on the shed? Below, we might as well compare it.

Compare the input costs first. Withdrawing the straw curtain generally requires the hire of a worker and the withdrawal of a straw curtain is 1 yuan. In addition, after the autumn, we need to transport the straw curtains to the shed. Each transport of a straw curtain requires 1.5 yuan. On this withdrawal, an shed of one mu of land needs an input cost of 100 to 150 yuan. Instead of withdrawing the straw directly with a plastic sheet and a non-woven cloth, it is not necessary to hire a worker, thus saving the money for hired employees. However, 500 to 600 yuan is required to purchase plastic sheets and non-woven fabrics for wrapping straws. . Of course, one investment can be used for many years. In this way, the cost of investing in either retiring or retiring the straw is almost the same.

Second, compare the effects of preservation. Many vegetable farmers believe that it would be better to save the straw and save it. In fact, no matter which method is adopted, as long as the straw curtain is tightly wrapped with plastic cloth and non-woven fabric, don't let it permeate and breathe, and the preservation effect is very good. Therefore, the direct storage of the straw curtain on the shed is also very effective.

In this comparison, the answer is obvious. The input costs are almost the same, and the effect is the same. However, putting it directly on the shed is easier. Therefore, it is not necessary to withdraw the straw when it is not placed directly on the shed. However, there is a point that vegetable growers must pay attention to the fact that some of the older sheds have aged and cannot be placed on the shed. Because the sheds are very heavy, they can easily become crushed at the top of the shed.


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