Black peanut

Black Peanut is a unique breed newly cultivated in China. It is a typical alkaline food with excellent characteristics of high selenium and high potassium. It contains 20 kinds of amino acids and vitamin E and B vitamins and lecithin and black-light active substances required by human body. The contents of zinc and vitamin E were 101% and 100% higher than those of other peanuts, and 41.5 mg of calcium and 360 mg of magnesium were contained in peanuts per 100 grams. The nutrients conformed to the high human nutrition index and played a role in maintaining the body's growth and development. Very good effect; especially melanin, can effectively maintain the benign circulation of the human body and prevent the radiation of visible light and ultraviolet rays. It is a natural supplement that supplements human nutrition. Regular consumption can boost brain and kidney, UFA hair color, warm stomach and lungs, protect the heart and protect Liver, has a good preventive health care effect on many chronic diseases of the elderly. The variety is fresh wet purple and dried black. Plants are semi-vertical, plant height 40-45 cm, lateral branch length 50 cm, reproductive period 130 days, dark green leaves, continuous flowering, flowering quantity and concentration, 100 hectare weight 185 grams, 70% kernel rate, kernel kernel Oval shape, strong drought and disease resistance, cultivation method is almost the same as local peanuts, sowing rate of about 17.5 kg per mu, yield up to 400 kg per mu. The use of plastic film covers a high yield.


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