Winter Peach Leaf Shrinkage Prevention Technology Measures

1, do Taoyuan soil, fertilizer, water management and pruning. Improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, promote tree vigor, and increase tree disease resistance. The diseased leaves were removed in time, and the orchards and plants with severe disease incidence were burned in a timely manner, fertilizers were added in time, and fertilizer and water management were strengthened.

2, pharmaceutical control. (1) Spray a lime sulfur or a 40% WP wettable powder 600 times in the dormant season to eradicate overwintering pathogens. (2) When the peach blossom buds are red and unexpanded, spray 5 times of Baume's lime sulfur, or 1:1:100 Bordeaux mixture, or 40% of Tuzet wettable powder 600 times, or 70%. The thiophanate-methyl WP can be used in 1000-times solution. It requires thorough and thorough spraying, leaving no dead ends. (3) After falling, spray 50% carbendazim WP 800 to 1000 times, or 70% thiophanate WP 1000 times. Peach deciduous after spraying 4 to 5 Baume degree lime sulfur, or 50% zinc WP wettable powder 300 to 500 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 to 800 times, or 70% Manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times, or 40% eutectic wettable powder 600 times liquid. Medications should be used interchangeably.

Liquid Injection

Tetanus Shot,Tetanus Vaccine,Hepatitis B Injection,Hep B Vaccine