The effect of spraying autumn foliar fertilizer in middle and late autumn peanuts is good

In the middle and late stages of the growth of autumn peanuts, the temperature gradually decreased, rain was also scarce, and stems and leaves grew slowly. At this time, the fall peanuts are in the stage of pod filling and pod filling and require a lot of nutrient supply. Peanut leaf surface is large and large, and it has strong ability of absorbing water on leaf surface fertilizer. If we can timely grasp the foliar fertilization, we can promptly add nutrients to prevent the premature fall of autumn peanut leaves, improve the efficiency of photosynthesis and increase the role of nutrient accumulation. Suitable fertilizers for foliar fertilizers and methods of use are as follows: 1. Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The spraying of autumn peanuts and pods during full-filling period can meet the requirement of phosphorus and potassium development in peanut pods, increase the number of effective pods and filling degree of pods, and prevent premature aging of stems and leaves, which has significant effect on yield increase. Usually 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution sprayed twice, each sprayed solution of 55-60 kilograms per acre, such as the foliage is yellow, can be added 0.5% of urea mixed spray, the effect of increasing production is more significant . 2, spray boron fertilizer. Boron fertilizer can promote pollen germination, is conducive to pollination and fertilization, increase fruit set rate, while also increasing chlorophyll content, enhance photosynthesis, prevent peanuts "fruit without believing" disease, and can increase fruit weight and full fruit rate. When the autumn peanuts enter the fruit filling stage, boron fertilizer is applied, and the yield can be increased by more than 10%. Usually sprayed once at full flowering stage and full fruit filling stage, each time 120 grams of borax is used per acre. First, it is dissolved with a small amount of warm water, and diluted with 50 kg of fresh water and sprayed on the foliage. 3, spraying molybdenum fertilizer. Molybdenum promotes nitrogen fixation of leguminous rhizobia. The spraying of molybdenum fertilizer during the full flowering period of the autumn peanuts and the full fruiting period of the pods can promote full filling of the pods and increase production by more than 8%. Each time, 50 grams of ammonium molybdate is used per acre, diluted with 50 kg of water, sprayed for a second time, sprayed for another 7-10 days, and continuously sprayed 1-2 times. 4, spray iron fertilizer and zinc fertilizer. Peanuts are extremely sensitive to iron. Peanuts grown in alkaline soils are prone to iron deficiency and show symptoms of yellow leaf bleaching. Such as the timely application of iron fertilizer, can make peanut leaf color from white to green in a few days, with a significant increase in production. According to the experiment, 0.4% ferrous sulfate was sprayed once in the autumn flowering period and during the fruit filling period, which could increase production by more than 10%. Zinc supply is sufficient, peanuts grow vigorously, and the plants are strong and leafy. If you add zinc fertilizer in the iron fertilizer spray, the effect of increasing production is better. Each time, each mus of 160-200 grams of ferrous sulfate, 100 grams of zinc sulfate, 55 kg of water diluted and sprayed evenly. 5, spray photosynthetic fertilizer. Applying photosynthetic micronutrients to peanuts not only satisfies the need for multiple trace elements, but also inhibits photorespiration, reduces consumption, increases photosynthetic efficiency, promotes full filling of pods, and can increase production by more than 7%. During the full bloom of autumn peanuts and pods, spray once each time. Each time, use 100 grams of photosynthetic fertilizer per acre, add 50 kg of water and choose to spray on a cloudy or sunny afternoon. 6, spray rare earth. Rare earth can promote the development and fullness of pods. In the flowering stage and pod filling period, 15 g of rare earth nitrate nitrate or 50 ml of rare earth animal planting treasure is used per acre, and 50 kg of water is added. After dilution, it is sprayed on a cloudy or sunny afternoon. China Agricultural Network Editor

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