Chicken Eggs

1. The selection of light chicken breeders should choose the varieties with good production performance, relatively high egg material and small body size. Because the egg is the same hen. For each additional 0.25 grams of body weight, about 3 kg of material is consumed each year, and the cost can be reduced by 6 yuan per kg of material. The average hen's weight is 2 kg. 2. Improve feeding technology 1 feed full price material: base price feed nutrient ingredients comprehensive. It can fully meet the needs of the growth and production of laying hens, and consume less material at the same time. 2 Different stages should be fed different feeds in different seasons: The initial level of egg production should be slightly higher than that of rearing, and the level of nutrition should be properly reduced in the late stage of laying: Summer heat. As the feed intake of chickens decreases, it is necessary to increase the protein content of the diet and the amount of water supplied. Better than 19%. 3 Reasonable feeding: Change to free intake as a reasonable fractional quantitative feeding. Prevent excessive fat. Avoid feed tank long-term storage and make the feed taste, reduce feed waste. 4 rational use of additives: add amino acids can save protein feed, corn, bean cake, bran-based compound feed. Methionine is the first limiting cyano acid. Adding methionine can save fish meal and other feeds: Lysine should also be added when the protein level in the diet is below 14%. When choline was fed, 0.05% choline was added to the diet, the egg production rate was increased by 3%, and the average egg weight increased by 2.8 g. 3. Timely elimination of old and sick and low-birth hens reduces the overall number of laying hens. High-yielding chickens can maintain eggs for 10 to 15 weeks. Chickens with bright red feathers and incomplete feathers are generally high-yielding chickens. 4. The proportion of male and female chickens is appropriate. The chicken population must be long before opening an account. The ratio of males to females is generally 1:12.15, because too many cocks will waste too much fodder and will affect egg production. 5. Improve the storage and processing of feeds to prevent food from becoming rotten and spoiled. The material is finely crushed, and the chicken is not allowed to have a picky eater behavior. Raw materials are fed and dried, and sufficient water is provided.


1.Seeds  type              F1 hybrid  chilli  seeds 

2.Fruit   skin     

3.maturity days            90 days after sowing
4.Resistance                Virus disease, blight 

5.Indoor  or  outdoor         Both 

6.Yield                        2000 to  2500kgs/667㎡

7.Germination  rate         More than 85%

8.Tags                         Hybrid   chilli  seeds 

Green Pepper And Hot Pepper Seed

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Ningxia Zhongqing Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. ,