Vitamin deficiency causes systemic infection of crocodile

Vitamin A deficiency: The occurrence of this disease is mainly due to the long-term supply of lean meat containing less vitamin A.

Symptoms: Sick crocodile eyelids and eyelid swelling and inflammation, corneal keratinization, tears and other secretions from the eyes. Slow development of young crocodile, dry skin, sluggish operation. Because the weak resistance is often susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections, ophthalmia, eye swelling and sudden outflow of white pus; or cause systemic infection, swelling of the body surface, with finger pressure, there are depressions indentation.

Control: Vitamin A is supplemented in feeds at 50 international units/kilogram to 50,000 international units/kilogram, and lean meat is replaced with fat and thin body wall meat. Whole chickens and whole ducks can also be fed alternately. The disease crocodile antibacterial anti-inflammatory and other symptomatic treatment.

Vitamin B1 deficiency: long-term use of fish, especially fresh fish as feed, or on the ground by the crocodile to eat, due to sun exposure so that the thiamine in fish destroyed the vitamin B1 caused the disease.

Symptoms: The crocodile eats normally, but the weight does not increase, but decreases; anorexia, sometimes muscle jitter, convulsions; eyes blindness.

Prevention: Change feed or supplement other feeds, and change the feeding method, without using frozen fish and dead fish as feed. Vitamin B1 is added to the feed and supplied daily.

Vitamin D deficiency: Caused by insufficient exposure of the crocodile to the sun or insufficient vitamin D in the feed.

Symptoms: Dysplasia of cartilage, hard bones, deformed limbs, thick joints, and depression.

Prevention: The crocodile gets plenty of light every day; vitamin D is added so that the feed contains 600 IU/kg.

Osteoarthritis: The disease is caused by improper ratios of calcium and phosphorus in the diet, too much phosphorus and too little calcium, such as the long-term feeding of lean meat; or the lack of vitamin D, resulting in impaired calcium absorption.

Symptoms: The crocodile mandibular is clearly soft and can be perceived by both fingers pressing the lower jaw. The jaw bones bulge to the sides, and the spine bends and deforms, leaving the bones brittle and easy to fold. The shells under the diseased crocodile are thin and easy to break.

Prevention: Calcium supplement, adjust the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, with calcium, phosphorus 1:1 to 2:1 ratio of feed. At the same time, 100 international units of vitamin D per kilogram of body weight are added to the diet once a week to promote calcium absorption.

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