Causes of bitterness in cucumber and its preventive measures

In recent years, with the gradual expansion of the cultivation area of ​​cucumbers in protected areas, many growers have reported that the cucumber root melons cultivated in protected areas in early spring have a bitter taste, which seriously affects the economic benefits of cucumbers in protected areas. The bitterness of cucumber occurs because cucumber plants contain a substance called bittersin c, which is present not only in the plant body but also in the Fruit of the cucumber. When there are many nitrogen, low temperature, lack of sunshine, malnutrition, and poor plant growth and disease, bittersone is easy to form and accumulate. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate the vegetative and reproductive growth of cucumber, aboveground and underground. The balanced growth of the department is a fundamental measure to prevent the occurrence of bitter taste in cucumbers. 1. The heritability of cucumber bitterness and the heritability of preventing cucumber bitterness are controlled by the dominant single gene bi. In terms of current cucumber species resources, there is absolutely no bitter cucumber variety. Therefore, in terms of cultivation, cucumber varieties with a slightly lighter bitterness should be selected. Second, the impact of cultivation measures on the occurrence of bitter cucumber and prevention 1. Temperature When the temperature or the ground temperature is lower than 13 °C, the cell permeability is reduced, nutrients and water absorption is inhibited, cucumber prone to bitterness; In addition when the greenhouse temperature is higher than 30 °C , And the long duration, resulting in reduced leaf assimilation, excessive consumption of photosynthetic products or nutritional disorders of cucumber will also appear bitter. Therefore, we should increase the temperature and heat preservation performance of the protection facilities as much as possible, adjust the temperature well, and avoid the temperature boundary formed by bitterness. 2. The cultivation and management of water cucumber should be based on the growth status and ecological characteristics of the plant, and timely supply the water needed for its birth, in order to maintain the turgor pressure of the plant tissue, the stability of the plant body temperature and the smooth progress of the biochemical reaction. Watering should be done a small number of times and the water temperature should not be too low. Micropipe technology should be used as far as possible under the membrane to prevent the decomposition of esterase indirectly due to water deficiency in the plant to avoid the formation of cucumber bitter pigment c. And enter the fruit under dry conditions. Special attention should be paid to the fact that after planting, the seedlings should not be excessive, otherwise the root melons are easy to bitter. 3. Nutrition in the production of nitrogen fertilizer to prevent excessive application or phosphorus, potassium deficiency, in particular, excessive nitrogen fertilizer is very easy to cause plants leggy; with the continuous growth of plants should increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, fertilizer should be balanced in the flowering period, nitrogen, The ratio of phosphorus to potassium is 5:2:6. At the same time, it should be combined with the top dressing. 1 Foliar application of rare earth micro-fertilizers: spraying once at the seedling stage, initial flowering stage and young melon stage can increase the disease resistance of the plants and increase the sugar content by 1 to 2 percentage points. 2 Foliar sprayed urea solution: Spraying with urea 7.5kg plus water 2250kg per hectare after blooming and full fruit period, not only can increase the yield of cucumber, but also improve the quality of cucumber, especially the sweetness and brittleness is obviously improved. 3 foliar spraying cytokinin: Spray 2-3 times before and after the flowering stage of cucumber, the new split antibiotic Tongwei 1, can increase the cucumber production by 25%, increase the fruit setting rate by 30%, and increase the sugar content by 1-2%. , but also improve the quality of cucumber. 4. Density is too dense, light is poor, photosynthesis is weakened, and less accumulation of material results in aggravated bitter taste of cucumber. At present, the cultivation density of cucumbers in protected areas is generally 5.55-63,000 plants/hm2, which inevitably has a small amount of seedlings in the early stages and is a waste of land. After the plants are full, they are shaded by each other, resulting in lack of light. In case of rainy days, A large number of melons have become aggravated by diseases, and the yield has not reached the peak and they have come back down. It is difficult to achieve a bumper harvest. For this purpose, cucumber cultivation in protected areas should adopt the method of early close-planting and late-stage planting, that is, the common plant spacing is 26-30 cm, the row spacing is 60 cm, and the plants are planted at 15 cm intervals, and the 3rd, 6th, and 9th plants on the same ridge are not on shelves. , When it grows to 12-14 pieces of real leaves, it will be sharpened quickly, it will quickly pick up the melons, and the main vines will be unplugged after harvesting; the second, fifth, and eighth... The shelves will be planted when the plants grow to 1.2-1.4m in height. When it is sharp, it will speed up the process of fruiting, and when the main vine is harvested it will be unplugged. In this way, the early yield is increased by nearly one time, and the spacing of the remaining 1, 4, 7, ... strains will increase to 45 cm, which greatly improves the conditions of ventilation and light transmission, improves the rate of sat collection, yield, and disease resistance. It also reduces the occurrence of bitter melons. 5. Injury roots in the sub-seedlings, shovel spasm, easy to hurt the roots when the soil is too dry, and make the cucumber bitter. Seed application sowing on the production of sand table, rooting, rooting, plastic seedlings or paper pockets, cultivation should be used as much as possible mulching mulching, if not mulching, shoveling should be slightly earlier, late slightly Shallow, seedlings slightly shallower, farther away from the seedlings.

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