WeChat registration can be bound to the medical insurance card!

In order to treat children with eczema, Changchun citizen Baiyunfeng will go to the Seventh People's Hospital of Shenyang for a review and take medicine every month. In order to hang up the expert number, he always came to the day before, stayed near the hospital for one night, and got up early the next day.

On April 5, the reporter learned that Shenyang Seventh People's Hospital recently opened a WeChat appointment registration, pay attention to the micro-signal to make an appointment, and go directly to the hospital for medical treatment during the appointment period, and the first in the municipal hospital. The registration system can be bound to the medical insurance card.

Reduce the cost of medical treatment for patients in the field

In the army of the Seventh People's Hospital of Shenyang, foreigners like Baiyunfeng accounted for a large part of the population. Although there are more than 20 dermatologists visiting the hospital every day, many foreign patients have to stay in Shenyang a few days in advance. After hanging the number, continue to wait.

Li Tienan, dean of the Seventh People's Hospital of Shenyang City, said that because the dermatology department of the hospital is a national key specialty, there are many patients, including many patients in the field, not only in the province, but also from Changchun, Qinhuangdao, Chengde and other places. The time for visiting the doctor is relatively concentrated. The number of outpatients per year is 700,000, and the number of outpatients is more than 2,000. The biggest problem that needs to be solved urgently is that it is difficult to see a doctor and queue up long. "My weekly two clinics, in order to allow foreign patients do not stay, sometimes I am 5:30 on visits, in cooperation with several students of the day, look up to more than 100 patients, not on the toilet. Says medical Informatization is a difficult problem to solve the problem of medical treatment. In our hospitals with many patients in other places, they do not need to live in the store, and indirectly solve the problem of expensive medical treatment and solve the problem of the cost of medical treatment."

WeChat registration system is bound to the medical insurance card

At present, Shenyang has fully launched the construction of “smart medical care ”. Some hospitals are gradually accessing the WeChat smart medical system. However, the reporter found in the interview that the medical insurance patients use WeChat to make an appointment, and the payment to the hospital needs to be registered after the second registration. Medical insurance card, and the Shenyang Seventh People's Hospital WeChat registration system can be bound to the medical insurance card.

Zhu Chunyan, deputy dean of the hospital, said that as long as the public number of the Seventh People's Hospital of Shenyang is concerned, non-medical patients can directly fill in the information of the doctor, and the patient of the medical insurance chooses "Do you want to be a medical insurance?" ", you can bind his medical insurance card number in the registration system. When you go to the hospital for treatment, you don't have to register again. You only need to pay the fee to go to the window and directly apply the medical insurance card."

It is understood that the hospital's outpatient electronic medical record, self-service printing system is gradually improving, reducing patient queuing time.

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